PHP Money Format
Sayangnya ini tidak bisa untuk Windows yang tidak memiliki C Lib. So untuk kasus ini terpaksa pake number_format :)
This the result test from manual sample
IDR1.234,56 Rp1.234,56 (Rp 1.234,57) (Rp********1.234,57) IDR****1234,56 The final value is IDR 1.234,5
Test on Linux Apache PHP5
This is php source from manual sample (edit for Indonesia Format)
<?php $number = 1234.56; // let's print the international format for the en_US locale setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'id_ID'); echo money_format('%i', $number) . "\n"; // USD 1,234.56 // Italian national format with 2 decimals` setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'id_ID'); echo money_format('%.2n', $number) . "\n"; // L. 1.234,56 // Using a negative number $number = -1234.5672; // US national format, using () for negative numbers // and 10 digits for left precision setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'id_ID'); echo money_format('%(#10n', $number) . "\n"; // ($ 1,234.57) // Similar format as above, adding the use of 2 digits of right // precision and '*' as a fill character echo money_format('%=*(#10.2n', $number) . "\n"; // ($********1,234.57) // Let's justify to the left, with 14 positions of width, 8 digits of // left precision, 2 of right precision, withouth grouping character // and using the international format for the de_DE locale. setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'id_ID'); echo money_format('%=*^-14#8.2i', 1234.56) . "\n"; // DEM 1234,56**** // Let's add some blurb before and after the conversion specification setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'id_ID'); $fmt = 'The final value is %i (after a 10%% discount)'; echo money_format($fmt, 1234.56) . "\n"; // The final value is GBP 1,234.56 (after a 10% discount) ?>
money_format (PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)
money_format -- Formats a number as a currency string Description string money_format ( string format, float number )
money_format() returns a formatted version of number. This function wraps the C library function strfmon(), with the difference that this implementation converts only one number at a time.
Note: The function money_format() is only defined if the system has strfmon capabilities. For example, Windows does not, so money_format() is undefined in Windows.
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